π’Publish Stories
...or "post" as it might be called on other (social media) platforms
To publish a story (or other content types) to the WayFinder Platform, click the down arrow on the green 'save' button and select 'Publish to WayFinder'...
Publishing Options
You will also see publishing settings below this, which if you click on will open the popup window as shown in the screenshot below...
Here you can:
choose whether to broadcast a notification
select the canvas to publish to (if you have multiple canvases available)
assign the viewing/access rights
choose whether to publish anonymously
set a cover image (this image will appear on the canvas rather than the default icon)
select an image from your media library (file size less than 1MB)
...or enter the URL of an externally-hosted image (no file size limit)
NOTE: if a story is marked "private" (checkbox to the left of the green save button) then it cannot be published/shared.
Batch Publishing
You also have an option to "batch publish" if there are multiple stories that have been updated or are new. This can be done by clicking on the "..." above your story list on the right hand side... (the number in the blue circle tells you how many stories will be published - in the example below, it is 2)
Note that you will see a blue "+" icon next to stories in your "My Stories" list that are still to be added to a WayFinder canvas (ie, haven't yet been published), and a blue "u" icon when a story has been updated since last being published and requires re-publishing.
To remove content that has previously been published to a WayFinder canvas:
select the story/content from the "my stories" list
click the down arrow on the green save button
from the drop-down menu select "Remove from WayFinder"
After a few seconds you should see a message saying the content has been successfully removed
The next time you load/refresh the WayFinder canvas you will see the content is no longer displayed.
Last updated